Winter Weather Safety: Preventing Slip-and-Fall Accidents This Season

Winter Weather Safety: Preventing Slip-and-Fall Accidents This Season

In the brutally cold winters of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, everyone is at risk of sustaining serious injuries in a slip-and-fall accident. Whether you fall down some icy steps, slip on an uncleared sidewalk after a snowstorm, or take a spill due to other winter hazards, the result will likely be the same. You could have serious injuries, including broken bones, back pain, or head trauma, that cause you to miss time at work and accumulate significant medical bills. As…

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How Do Workplace Slip and Fall Claims Differ from Other Types of Slip and Fall Claims?

Slip and fall accidents happen every day, in all types of circumstances. According to the National Floor Safety Institute’s statistics, falls account for more than eight million visits to hospital emergency rooms every year, and represent the leading reason why people need urgent care. In most cases the injuries that result from falls are fractures. Though slip and fall accidents can occur in our own homes, while we are out in public or private property or visiting a business, many…

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