Recreational Vehicle Accidents
(RV, ATV, Boats, Jet Skis, Etc…)
Have you or a family member suffered an injury or loss of life in a recreational vehicle accident? If so, you have the right to financial compensation. You owe it to yourself to retain the sound counsel of a highly competent attorney. The skilled personal injury attorneys at MalamutLaw can help you.

At MalamutLaw, we know how shocking recreational vehicle accidents can be. Contacting an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible will help to ensure your rights are protected. We offer free consultations in person at our office in Cherry Hill, NJ, or we can come to you. Contact MalamutLaw today to schedule your free consultation. We look forward to meeting you.
ATV Injury
The most common scenario of fatal or injury causing accidents happen when two riders (a driver and a passenger) were involved in an incident involving a single ATV. The Consumer Product Safety Commission completes a study of 502 incidents. 419 (83.5%) fell into the two rider scenario. The driver was most likely to be the fatally injured party in these incidents (52.7% of incidents). The driver and passenger were both killed in 7.4 percent of these incidents.[1] If you or a family member suffered injury or loss of life in an ATV accident, contact MalamutLaw today.
Boating/Jet Ski/Watercraft Injury
In 2015, the Coast Guard counted 4,158 accidents that involved 626 deaths, 2,613 injuries and approximately $42 million dollars of damage to property as a result of recreational boating accidents. Operator inattention, operator inexperience, improper lookout, machinery failure, and excessive speed rank as the top five primary contributing factors in accidents. Alcohol use is the leading contributing factor in fatal boating accidents where the primary cause was known.[2]
Recreational Vehicle (RV) Injury
RV accidents often lead to serious injury or loss of life. Reliable accident and injury statistics for RVs are not readily available. The allure of RV travel is a strong one. People imagine walking, cooking, playing, or otherwise treating the living space as a normal home while Mom and Dad pilot the family to their destination. Reality check time. You are supposed to be seated and belted down while traveling in an RV, just as you would be in a personal vehicle. But doesn’t that fly in the face of the leisurely, even extravagant, travel these vehicles are believed to be for? When unbelted or roaming, a person can be violently thrown at the moment of impact. People flying in the air and striking one another in the coach or front seats is not uncommon. Also, the items inside the living area will fly or tumble in a crash. This can include everything from luggage to kitchen utensils. RV and motorhome manufacturers do suggest that everyone occupying the vehicle would remain seated/belted while in motion. Most RV furniture is situated sideways or backwards to the direction of travel with only a lap band. Assuming your loved ones do not become projectiles, you still must contend with wooden debris from the body (or “box”) of the RV and anything that has come loose in the crash.
Consumer Product Safety Commision “A Pilot Study of Fatal ATV-Related Incidents Involving Passengers” August 2014 American Boating Association “Boating Fatality Facts”
How Can We Help?
Contact MalamutLaw today to schedule a consultation for us to discuss your specific situation.