New Jersey law takes employee rights seriously. If you are employed in the state, you have a long list of rights on your side. However, many workers are not well informed on what they can or cannot expect from their…
When you get threatened with a restraining order, it can be scary. Your entire life could be ruined by assertions that you have behaved in a dangerous way and it can affect everything from finding employment to a place to…
During multidistrict litigation in New Jersey, the women alleging Johnson & Johnson talcum powder products are a cause of ovarian and uterine cancer requested samples of the products for their legal case, claiming there is no proof that the samples…
In any criminal case, you will need a criminal defense lawyer. However, not all criminal defense lawyers are the same. Depending on your case and their background, even a great defense lawyer can be the wrong fit. Add in a…
It can seem like innocent fun or kids being kids, but the new trend of “sexting” can turn into a felony charge that will label teenagers as sex offenders and haunt them throughout their lives. In most states, there is…
Every business should have an emergency preparedness plan in place, even if there is no obvious risk. This is because there is always the chance of an emergency arising from an external source. The goal of an emergency preparedness plan…
Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who hire lawyers to perform legal services. The role of the lawyer varies greatly.
Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who hire lawyers to perform legal services. The role of the lawyer varies greatly.
Whether you’re a new motorcyclist or you’ve been riding for years, your primary focus while on your bike should always be safety, for both yourself and for those with whom you share the road. Motorcycle injuries are extremely serious, so…
The problems with the international anti-money laundering law enforcement.