Can I Work While Under House Arrest?

Those who have been charged with a non-violent crime may be eligible to serve their sentence at home, typically when prisons are overcrowded or as a way to mitigate the expenses of the prison system. Those who have committed violent crimes, however, cannot serve their sentence as house arrest and are required to serve jail sentences. In most cases, those on house arrest can still work but there are rules that apply. For one, the person must have regular, gainful employment to be permitted to go to work. Additionally, they are only permitted to go on specific days and for set hours each of those days as ordered by the court.

Rules for Going to Work When on House Arrest

Offenders under house arrest are closely monitored when going to work. This is to ensure they are not abusing the system and that they are adhering to the orders set by the court and are compliant with their sentence. The following rules apply during such a house arrest:

  • A schedule must be made ahead of time and approved by either the court or the officer overseeing the case. The schedule must include commuting time to and from the location and how long you will be at the job. For some cases, there is a limit on how many hours they are permitted for work. There are also some jobs that are not permitted for house arrest. For instance, a job where the person is traveling around a lot is less likely to be approved compared to a desk job where monitoring the person is much easier. These specifications will be determined by the nature of the crime and the terms the court orders for the house arrest.
  • An electronic monitor must be worn at all times. It is very common for those under house arrest to wear these devices. Fortunately, they are small and easy to hide under clothing, as to not interfere with general life. This device works as a GPS and shows where the offender is at all times, making it easier to track the offender. If the offender tries to venture off the usual commute or tries to leave work during a typical work day, the officer and courts will know.
  • Since costs are typically covered by the offender for fees associated with the electronic monitoring devices, it can be imperative for those under house arrest to maintain a job. This can also include regular court fees, filing fees, related costs and the cost of living. Those under house arrest should be careful to follow terms set by the courts to keep employment.

If you are going to be under house arrest, it’s important to understand the terms. At Malamut & Associates, we read the fine print so you stay within the letter of the law. Contact us today to find out how our services can help you serve your sentence and maintain your life.

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