Labor & Employment
If you’ve been wrongly fired, harassed, discriminated against, paid improperly, retaliated against or subject to a hostile work environment, call the attorneys of MalamutLaw for a free consultation to discuss your situation and the options available to you. We’ve helped hundreds of clients over the years to put a negative job experience behind them by securing lost wages, emotional distress damages and punitive damages on their behalf when they were mistreated. In most cases, we can also pursue additional damages for attorneys’ fees and costs. In certain scenarios, we have been able to help employees get reinstated to their prior job.

As An Employee, You Have Rights!
Navigating the workplace can be challenging, but it’s crucial to remember that you are protected by numerous laws and regulations as an employee in NJ. Our team of dedicated lawyers ensures that your rights are upheld in the workplace. Whether it’s dealing with wrongful termination or discrimination, our labor and employment attorneys are here to guide you.
Understanding your rights is the first step toward protecting them. Our lawyers at MalamutLaw are experts in NJ employment law and are committed to providing you with the best legal advice and representation. If you feel that your rights have been violated, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. As your labor and employment lawyer serving NJ, we’re here to stand by your side and fight for your rights.
MalamutLaw Is Proud To Represent Our Clients In A Number of Labor & Employment Categories:
Are You Concerned About Your Current Work Environment?
Our lawyers are trained to identify the uncomfortable situations our clients are facing. We work with employees to evaluate their working conditions and understand their rights. Our firm provides strong legal support for those facing such challenges.
We understand that feeling threatened or intimidated at work is unacceptable. Dealing with a hostile work environment can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. Our lawyers are well-versed in handling these situations and can provide you with the support and representation you need.
Our employment retaliation attorneys can guide you on how to handle these situations and provide you with the legal help you deserve.
Your employer or your employer’s insurance carrier will be represented by an experienced team of attorneys. While you may represent yourself in these proceedings, a non-attorney cannot represent you. To obtain the best possible result for a claim, an experienced employment attorney is strongly recommended.
There is no up front cost to hire an employment attorney at our firm. We are paid in the form of a percentage of the money we recover for you.
Whether it’s discrimination, harassment, hostile work environment, retaliation, or wrongful termination or other employment issues you’re facing, your Malamut & Associates attorney will work hard to represent you to a satisfactory conclusion. Be it settlement or jury trial, your attorney will guide you every step of the way.
Employers are required to provide safe, discrimination-free, harassment-free, and retaliation-free work environments for their employees. If they are not, and you are a victim, you have rights. We can help if your employer has fired you, demoted you, failed to hire you, harassed you, retaliated against you, not paid you properly or subjected you to a hostile work environment.
Contact Us
At MalamutLaw, we are dedicated to protecting your rights as an employee in NJ. Whether you’re dealing with a hostile work environment, need a wrongful termination lawyer serving NJ, or any other employment-related issues, our lawyers are here to help. With a team of specialized NJ labor and employment attorneys, we offer expert legal advice and robust representation to ensure your rights are protected.
Looking for other work-related legal assistance? Our workers’ compensation lawyers serving NJ are ready to provide you with legal advice. Contact us today to discuss your case and learn how we can assist you in navigating your workplace challenges.
Free consultations. Fee structures do vary, and for some matters, we offer a contingency fee structure or, alternatively, hourly, which we will discuss with you upfront.
Workplace discrimination is when the employer acts unfavorably toward an employee for reasons of consideration of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, medical condition, and many other factors. Malamut Law represents employees against this type of treatment.
Harassment is unwelcome actions based on protected characteristics that create a hostile work environment. This may include verbal, physical, or visual conduct.
Wrongful termination occurs when an employee is discharged for illegal reasons, such as discrimination or retaliation. If you believe that you may have been wrongfully terminated, contact an attorney or law firm like Malamut Law for assistance.
Write down the retaliation, report it to HR if you can, and then see an attorney. Malamut Law will be able to walk you through it and show you how to protect your rights.
First, report the problem internally by talking to your HR department. If the problem isn’t resolved, then you should call an attorney or law firm like Malamut Law to discuss your legal options.
The FMLA entitles eligible employees to unpaid leave for specific family and medical reasons and assures their return to the same or an equivalent position. We represent clients in the full range of controversies arising under the FMLA.
Save emails, texts, witness statements, etc. The more documentation there is of different incidents, the stronger the case. Our attorneys can help in developing evidence.
We handle cases involving discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, whistleblowing, FMLA violations, unpaid wages, and more.
We provide individualized legal plans based on your case. Our staff is dedicated to advocating for justice and protecting the rights of employees.
Wrongful termination occurs when an employee is fired for illegal reasons, such as discrimination, retaliation, or violation of an employment contract. An attorney can review the circumstances of your termination to determine if your case qualifies.
The time limit, or statute of limitations, varies depending on the type of case and your state. In Pennsylvania and New Jersey, you typically have between 180 days to 2 years for employment-related claims, but consulting an attorney promptly is crucial to meet deadlines.
Yes, being paid under the table does not disqualify you from pursuing a case. Employers are still required to follow labor laws, including proper wages and workplace protections.
Yes, you may be able to sue both your employer and the harasser if the harassment created a hostile work environment and your employer failed to address it. Each case is unique, and legal advice can help determine your options.
Depositions are common in employment cases, but not all cases go to court. Many are resolved through settlements. Your attorney can guide you through the process and prepare you if a deposition or trial is necessary.
How Can We Help?
Contact MalamutLaw today to schedule a consultation for us to discuss your specific situation.